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You have reached the home page of Christian Brunschen. I am a software developer and trainer by trade and by passion. My specialties include Apple's Mac OS X and WebObjects technologies and toolsets, but I also have a broad background in many programming languages and environments, through my studies in Computer Science and Technology at Lund Institute of Technology. (And yes, that is my left eye, looking back at you :)
For your convenience, you can download my Curriculum Vitae.
Here's a link to the home page of the Computer Society at Lund University and Lund Institute of Technology .
You can read my Master Thesis.
I have made some samples of my music available for listening.
I wrote SMILemu, an emulator for Siffer-Maskinen I Lund, an early Swedish computer based on the IAS architecture.
Are you looking for the pictures taken at my home before the 1998-1999 New Year's ball?
Finally, here's a link to the T-shirt a friend of mine and I designed some time ago.
Christian Brunschen     Phone   +44 (0)20 - 7738 7566
42 Willington Road Mobile (UK) +44 (0)7811 - 33 06 35
London Mobile (Sweden) +46 (0)73 - 046 17 42
SW9 9NE ICQ 11158266
United Kingdom   Home The Computer Society at and

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ObCelebrityQuote: "Oh, foo."
- Andrew R. Koenig ( after dropping a piece
of chalk during a lecture on C++ in Lund, Sweden, April 1993